Saturday, December 21, 2013

Snowflakes That Keep

This time of year, the days go from crisp to icy; leaves fall and the world prepares for a new year and a new beginning. While all of this happens snowflakes start drifting from the clouds, blanketing the city with Christmas snow. You think to yourself in awe and could wonder, “it takes all of these individual snowflakes to cover the city.” Snowflakes are a lot like people, it takes all personality types, interests, and occupations to makeup this world.

Snowflakes come down individually, just as different personalities grace us with their presence. Snowflakes though different have much in common just like people; no matter who or what a person is, we all need love, attention, and the knowledge that God is there. It truly takes all types to make up this world, and each individual benefits society in their own way. Just imagine a world full of Jo Shmo’s wearing nothing but grey suits and driving black Ford Focuses. How lame would that be? Diversity means everything! Don’t forget it. You have the ability to shine wherever you stand. Whether you are the most talented contract signing athlete, if music is your gig, or even if you just like math, everything is needed for the world to mesh together. Truly it’s all up to one person whether you shine or not; go look in the mirror and give that person a smile. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise, choose to be you. Doing so enables you to do so much more while achieving greater happiness.

Why am I the way I am? We missionaries get this question constantly. There are many true answers that we could give, but one stands above the rest, we are children of God. He knows us personally from the other side. Heavenly Father knew about your likes, dislikes, and life’s ambitions. God knows you every step of the way.

How can I reach my fullest potential? Right at the start, look within. Ask yourself questions like: “am I being true to myself,” “do I sacrifice my standards and morals to fit in,” “how can I avoid temptation, from doing things I know I will regret down the road?” We will not always provide ourselves with perfect answers every time (I certainly don’t), but always try your hardest. Faith in Jesus Christ empowers us to strive more diligently and eventually conquer our dragons! 

Look at yourself and realize where you will stand with faith in Jesus Christ and a renewed sense of self purpose. In a world of ever changing social acceptances and ever shifting moral standpoints, we cannot let up. Occasionally we may slip up, but Jesus Christ’s always has his hand extended to help us up. We choose whether we let him or not. It is by Him that all points of self-confidence and self-worth come into play. Now is the perfect time to start the journey; starting the journey for me proved to be a challenge, but now provides lasting peace. No two identical snowflakes fall from the sky, and no two individuals ever prove exactly alike. It takes all designs of snowflakes to cover a city at Christmas time, the same way it takes all types of personalities to make up this world. This Christmas shine as the snowflakes, know who you are and embrace it!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Think Gratitude!

What is the real reason for this time of year? What comes to your mind when autumn rolls around? This time of year has always been my favorite; not just because of my birthday, the holidays, nor the food. Every year as long warm summer days turn icy and short, I like to think about the all of the things I am grateful for. I reflect on this question: how can we show our gratitude for His undying love? Gratitude goes into three parts: recognition, demonstration, and finally, passing it on. All of these things come back to one person though, you.

Becoming gratuitous begins with the recognition of a blessing. We can’t do anything without knowing a blessing exists! Take just a moment to reflect on all of the blessings the Lord has given you. Sometimes the world makes us feel like we don’t have enough, yearnings for speed boats and new cars creep into our minds if we don’t keep ourselves in check. These desires for material objects prove trivial. The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ teaches us in Mosiah 2:20-21

I say unto you, my brethren, that if you should render all the thanks and praise which your whole soul has power to possess, to that God who has created you, and has kept and preserved you, and has caused that ye should rejoice, and has granted that ye should live in peace one with another—

 I say unto you that if ye should serve him who has created you from the beginning, and is preserving you from day to day, by lending you breath, that ye may live and move and do according to your own will, and even supporting you from one moment to another—I say, if ye should serve him with all your whole souls yet ye would be unprofitable servants.

The words of the prophets given to us by our Heavenly Father teach us how to recognize His gifts and apply them into our own lives.

New horizons open up with just the simple recognition of blessings. We in our good fortune need to radiate gratitude in different ways other than simply remaining in a state of inward thanks. A smile extends further than you could ever imagine. Start a domino effect in a positive way, gratitude is one act that reciprocates itself. You could be the one to change it all!

In addition to radiating happiness, think about how we can show our benefactor our gratitude. Your Heavenly Father loves you past comprehension, and yearns to see your success come in leaps and bounds. He provides us with the necessary skills and abilities that aid us on life’s fantastic journey. Wouldn’t you want to show the man who made it all possible your thanks? The climax of the bible story of Christ healing the ten lepers remains vivid in my mind because of the outcome. Only one leper out of ten returned to pay due thanks. We need to be as the one leper; always in memory as to the origin of our blessings. Without Jesus Christ we are nothing; with Him we are everything. This principle becomes ever increasingly vivid as we read ponder and pray to know that the scriptures are true: both the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon.

The admonition of Christ empowers us. When we act as him by passing it on, we bring all aspects of recognition and radiation into an ever-expanding scheme. I simply phrase it, “If something good happens to you, pass it on and keep it going.” A one liner proves so much in so little. How has someone’s generosity blessed your life? How have, or can you bless others?

The Lord offers us so many blessings! One blessing trumps everything though; Jesus Christ and his restored gospel, stands supreme. Christ’s eternal message proves even more important today as we face societal and cultural deviations from time honored traditions and standards. Our Heavenly Father loves you so much that He sent His Son to atone, or pay for all of the mistakes you and I will ever make. He felt unimaginable agony wrack his body as he suffered in the garden of Gethsemane. Christ after preserving through unimaginable pain, endured crucifixion on Calvary’s cross for you. Why? Why wouldn’t he save himself? Jesus Christ knew that His sacrifice was the only way we could ever live together again on the other side.

Christ knew the value of eternal families. He wants you to live with Him and God again. I think to myself in awe and amazement at the realization that someone would suffer himself through insurmountable pain, torment, and finally die for me. How does this make you feel knowing that Christ cares so much for you?

When times become strenuous, when relationships seem on the brink of crumbling: think of the savior. When you get the dream job, when a new baby comes into the world, or when even it is a nice day outside: think of the savior. Setting our thoughts, words, and actions towards Christ puts everything into a greater perspective when we get the bigger picture. I know this to be true. Faith and gratitude in Jesus Christ pull us out of some of life’s biggest challenges. May God bless you and your family this holiday season, as you remember the real reason for the season.

-Elder Grant Callahan

Saturday, November 2, 2013

What Happens After This Life: God’s Eternal Reward for You

You want the best for your children or future children. I think of my parents working so hard to provide, “the best.” They always wanted to reward us for listening and making correct decisions. Mom always liked to see a smile from a reward, rather than the opposite. God, our Heavenly Father works and feels the same way; He loves you and wants to reward you for making correct choices. He provided us with the proper tools and equipment for you to succeed in becoming like Him. We go through trials and tribulations that define us as individuals and mold us into more capable people. We choose whether to say in line with God’s teachings or go astray. We, through our Heavenly Father reach our grandest potential or the contrary. Heavenly Father is there, the only variable in the choice making equation is you.

At the conclusion of a race or competitive event come the awards to the top performers, each individual preformed to their fullest potential and excelled. God’s plan is no different: except, there is no limit to the number of first place finishers. Mainstream Christianity teaches that our final destinations after this life rest in either Heaven or Hell. We know that more destinations await us on the other side; are all people considered exemplary or the opposite, is there any middle ground? To start things out, when an individual passes on, they rest temporarily in a place called the spirit world. The spirit world consists of two sub-destinations: spirit paradise or spirit prison. This is where the misconception of Heaven or Hell comes into play. One waits in either location until the second coming of Jesus Christ. Once Christ comes again our Father in Heaven judges our deeds. Judgment is an opportunity to reflect on our lives and to see firsthand the atonement of Jesus Christ (He suffering for our sins and dying on the cross). We are saved in Christ. “Being saved” entitles us the opportunity to rise as Christ rose: a perfected being. We will be judged. Judgment analyses how we applied Christ’s sacrifice in our lives.

To get the full image of the judgment of God, think of rewarding a small child’s proactive behavior. The parent has the top reward for doing what, “mom asks.” If the child doesn’t pay full heed to the first request, but does as “mom told you:” a lesser reward follows.  Think of the child who simply chooses to do nothing. He or she receives no special reward, but mom still allows them to live under the roof she provided for all of her children. God wants to rewards he children in the same fashion. Like any parent, He wants to give us the top reward. It is our choice if we earn it or not.

There are three destinations, or “kingdoms” constituting God’s reward system. The bible explains in 1 Corinthians 15:40-43 KJV

40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.

 41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.

 42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:

 43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:

Verse forty one lists the three kingdoms in regards to the sun, mood, and stars. What are the qualifications for each?

Celestial Kingdom (Sun): Accepting fully the Gospel of Jesus Christ and making necessary covenants (a two way promise between you and God). Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ reside here. This is the kingdom where families live together forever; there is no limit on the number of people  who can live here.

Terrestrial Kingdom: A place for those who love Jesus Christ and lived honorable lives. They did not accept His full gospel.

Telestral Kingdom: A place for those children who did not do as the Father asks, by remaining voluntarily in sins and inappropriate action.

Despite varying individual/ cultural circumstances, all individuals will have the opportunity to learn of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel before judgment and have an equal chance to accept or decline.

To receive the magnitude of blessings Heavenly Father has in store for you comes sacrifice, dedication, prayer, and action. God has us do difficult tasks, and we see miracles as a result. His tasks pose more difficultly than Mom’s request to “clean your room,” or “take out the garbage.” God’s tasks have more reward than temporary gratification; God’s rewards are eternal. What would you do to receive all of his blessings? Are there some things to change? We pose as our only variable; God stands constant. What will you do?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

What comes next? Life Continues After Death

“What comes next?” “I don’t know what to do?” Many of us find ourselves questioning in situations of tumult and distress, such as the passing of a loved one. At the moment may feel alone, as we all would.  In any situation God always has a plan for you, your family, and the loved one. Heavenly Father wants those tender moments of going on late summer bike rides and playing catch in the park to stay vivid in your mind. Why? The good moments never have to end. What would you do knowing that these old memories and ones yet to come continue into eternity? Death does not prevail; families can be together forever.

The moment you see a dear friend or relative slip from one side to the other side truly tries one’s faith. I know how you feel; I have been there. Temporarily, all of your earthly activities and pursuits with that individual go on hold; this may seem like the end, but it is not. When one passes on, their body will rest peacefully on the earth. In contrast to what happens to one’s body: the spirit of the individual (often referred to as the soul), continues to live on in full glory. When one passes on, they bring with them the knowledge accumulated and refined in this life, over to the next side. An end result, they never forget you: the same way you will never forget them.

We still ask, “Why must all things end?” Before delving deeper into this difficult question, think of an apprenticeship or an internship.  What is the purpose of both? The result that comes from shadowing a master ends with both personal refinement and real world experience. If you have ventured down either one of these pathways, you know how strenuous and arduous the position poses. After going through the ordeal, do you want to be the intern or apprentice forever?  Wouldn’t you want to be endowed with knowledge in your desired field when it ends? God takes the same stance on our earthly lives; He does not want you to struggle forever! He does want you to go through a refiner’s fire and develop Godly attributes that will aid you later on.

We know all things must end, where our end route? Mainstream Christianity teaches that our final destination is Heaven or Hell. We know that more than these two destinations await us on the other side. Wouldn’t you think that there would be more places for all of the people on the earth rather than just two places? God has a reward system set up for His children to reward them for their use of Jesus Christ’s atonement, versus simply than giving eternal happiness or eternal sorrow. God is equal and just in His dealings. He knows everything; everything will be sorted out by him.
 The tragedy that death poses will not prevail forever. More await you as you center your lives on Christ and refine yourself. Emulating Godly attributes as simple as faith in Jesus Christ, hope, virtue, and humility prepare you to meet your maker. Do all that you can to receive your fullest reward. He never judges where you begin; judgment is based on where we end. Live up to your fullest potential; there is more after death.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What Mormons Believe: Families are Together Forever

The moments spent cradling your little ones, at dusk walks along a cool riverbed with your significant other. With them wrapped in your warm arms, you whisper the simple phrase: “I love you.” Wouldn’t you want these tender moments to last forever? With our Heavenly Father’s plan for you; families can be together forever. Acting on the council given to us from God, these feelings of love and comfort will be yours. These feelings come as you strive to emulate God’s son, Jesus Christ.

Can my family live together forever? A central belief of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (a.k.a. the Mormons), states marriage can be an eternal union. Think about the family’s importance in modern day society. A legal joining between a man and a woman creates the optimal atmosphere for rearing children. This stable environment engrains the proper attitudes and morals in young minds; these developed attributes lead to success later down the road. Wouldn’t you want to instill confidence that radiates through your child’s eyes: a knowledge that ensures them of their infinite worth?
Personal Worth equates to greater resistance from peer pressure. As a parent, or future parent later in life, don’t you worry about the forces grabbing and crippling a majority of the rising generation? Wouldn’t you like your children to dismiss the thought of sampling alcohol, tobacco, or illegal/ harmful substances? Through the message that we have today about Jesus Christ, your children can avoid many of the unfavorable circumstances that making inappropriate choices bring.

What comfort does being an eternal family bring? Personally speaking, I know that enlightenment comes from within knowing the depth of our Heavenly Father’s plan for us. Have you ever thought of a deceased loved one, and wondered where they went? I had a brother pass on, yet I know that I will see him again. The Family: A Proclamation to the World (a declaration given to us from a modern day prophet and apostles), states: “…the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.” God has more in store for you than what meets the eye. What will you do to obtain it?
 How do I know that I have qualified for an eternal family? There are five easy things our Heavenly Father asks of us to obtain all of His blessings….

1.   Demonstrate faith in Jesus Christ: Rather than a passive belief in Him, show Jesus Christ how grateful you are for his sacrifice.

2.    Repentance: The second step of faith, you show Christ that you are willing to rid yourself of past mistakes and misdeeds not in harmony with his teachings.

3.   Baptism: A visual way of showing Jesus Christ your forgiveness. To be baptized, the one doing the baptism must hold the proper authority.

4.   Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost: The second part of the baptism. The feelings felt prior to baptism will be felt always as you remain worthy of Jesus Christ’s trust.

5.   Endure to the End: This simply means living the covenants you made at baptism and always progressing forward to become more like Jesus Christ.

 By living these simple five steps, we qualify for eternal families. It is really that easy! Heavenly Father knows you can do it! Simply put your trust in Him. This may seem difficult, but look at the potential outcome. Eternal Family happiness for five simple things that will benefit you and your family’s lives. Who wouldn’t want this for such a simple task?
I know that families are eternal. You and your family, by following the principles established by Jesus Christ strengthen and solidify family bonds in this life that will carry on to the next. Imagine all of the Christmas, birthday, and at dusk walk memories with your loved ones. These tender unforgettable moments of peace and security never have to end. What will you do to have an eternal family? Are there some amends to make? Try it out; see how incorporating God in your life will change it. Your righteousness will benefit yourself and loved ones. Most importantly, they will see: families can be together forever.  



Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What Mormons Believe: Establishing a Relationship with God, the Father

Who can I always turn to? Is there someone who loves me, even with all of my little quirks and struggles? Everyone on the planet desires to feel loved and accepted; yet sometimes we find ourselves searching for the right outlet. Instead of exploring unstable venues, let us remember the one who remains constant: our Heavenly Father. Imagine in your mind the perfect father figure: and there stands God. He knows us personally, we are his children. Since Heavenly Father knows each of us on an individual level: wouldn’t we want to know God, the way He knows us?

Establishing our relationship with our Heavenly Father brings the realization that He knows us. In our world of ever changing culture and shifting societal norms, it seems improbable to know who to turn to. Yet, our Heavenly Father always reaches out with extended arms. We, through effort on our part: praying, reading the holy scriptures, and doing as the Father asks in a form of what is called a covenant (a two way promise between you and God), helps establish our relationship with Him.  As we deepen our relationship with Him: you feel the power of His presence more in your life. With his spirit guiding you, it becomes easier to know what to do and say in certain situations. In prayer, that same spirit warms your heart even as you utter simple daily events.

A vivid example of God’s closeness with his children comes from our church’s early history. In 1830 a young farm boy in upstate New York asked a simple, yet profound question. “Which church do I join?” The boy asked. Have you ever wondered this? This child searched the scriptures and found his answer in James 1:5 KJV If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. His answer: pray! He went behind his humble log cabin home into a grove of trees and offered up a prayer asking which church to join. In his experience he described in his own words.

“I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. … When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”

God called this boy by his own name, Joseph. Joseph Smith, the humble farm boy with a third grade education saw our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ in the flesh. If god knows even a humble farm boy’s name, wouldn’t He know yours too?

Heavenly Father desires to be our source of comfort and council. All of us find ourselves lamenting over some events in our lives (myself included), that caused deep emotional pain. I wondered, as we all do: “is there anyone who understands how I ache inside?” In one of my moments of questioning, I stumbled across a three verse scripture passage that stay vivid in my mind to this day. In the Book of Mormon  1Nephi 21:14-16 reads;

 14 But, behold, Zion hath said: The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me—but he will show that he hath not.

 15 For can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee, O house of Israel.

 16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.
Imagine the one who never forgets us, even in our lowest hour. How could you show gratitude for someone as gracious as He?

The chorus of “Lean on Me,” by Bill Withers my mother would occasionally sing, exemplifies God’s feelings for you. God wants us as individuals, families, and societies to rely solely on him. How can we put all of our trust in God? Heavenly Father: being the creator of all, knows all. Sometimes we need to take that leap of faith and give it to the Lord. This never proves easy, yet always possible. The scriptures always give the most vivid depictions of faith. In the book of Exodus, the Egyptian nation held the children of Israel in slavery generations before God called Moses to lead them to the Promised Land. Likewise in the Book of Mormon, we see the Nephites, the Lord’s scriptural choice people in the Americas: in bondage to their brethren the Lamanites. The Nephites also went through much strife and hardship before Heavenly Father liberated them. Faith takes time. God wants you to lean on Him constantly; He knowing your physical and mental capacities will never allow you to go overborne.


I know that God knows us. He knows when we get that dream job, to when marriages strain. With God knowing us at the most intimate fatherly level, why wouldn’t we want to know him for being the most incredible Father of all time and places? Getting to know our father takes only a simple prayer that even a small child can offer. He desires you to partake of his never ending love.  Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: (Matthew 7:7 KJV) I know that by continually learning and leaning on our Heavenly Father, we will learn more of His divinity. God knows you: find Him.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Purpose of Life, Like Getting Keys to the Car?

Based on readers’ responses on Gathering the Lambs last post on what true love really means, I decided to take the next few weeks to delve into some of life’s core questions.

Some of life’s grandest questions come in singular sentences, yet provoke real thought and soul searching. The question for this week: “what is my purpose in life?” Many ask this question, yet few have a real response. How do we find our own purpose? Luckily God never leaves us on our own: He knows us individually and has a plan for everyone.

With our Heavenly Father at the wheel, we always know that there is more than what just meets the eye. God, the Father set up a divine plan for us to learn, progress, and become more like Him. He desires that you inherit all that He possesses. Think of the magnitude of what could be YOUR inheritance! With great privilege, comes great responsibility. Would any right minded parent give their child the keys to their brand new car without the child knowing how to drive? I can only imagine how every parent reading this must be smiling ear to ear playing out in their minds how that scenario would play out. As earning the keys to the car, to inherit the kingdom of God, comes the necessity: to learn, gain real life experiences, and then be tested.

Personally speaking, out of all of the things we do in life being tested proves the hardest! So why do we have to be tested? Why do we need to go through all the trials and tribulation that life brings? The way the answer plays out every time; we need to come closer to the Father by following His Son. We chose to come down to earth receive a physical body, and to progress towards the end goal of becoming more like God. Before this life, you made the correct decision to come to earth to learn and grow. He wanted so much for us to become as Him, but we needed to go through a refiner’s fire as Malachi 3:2 states But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap:

We, ourselves cannot bear the refiner’s fire alone: Jesus Christ through His atoning sacrifice allowed mercy towards our sins through the pain and suffering He went through in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross: because of Him we can be cleansed from our sins if we do as He asks. In return for the infinite gift that He gave us, we only need to make covenants (a two way promise between us and our Heavenly father), have faith in Him, repent, be baptized, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and continue to live as He, by enduring to the end.

Jesus Christ through His atonement has allowed us to be together forever even after death: without any pains, suffering or affliction. How awesome is this! Matthew 6:33 promises: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Think about the greater picture, the eternal perspective of what God has for you. I promise you that your purpose in life (as well as everyone’s purpose), lies in knowing Jesus Christ and aligning our wills to His. No matter what circumstances or difficulties we face: Christ gave us a way out. What will you do to come closer to Him? How will you show Him your infinite gratitude for His sacrifice? Finding our purpose in life only comes as we strive to live like the Son.

Monday, September 23, 2013

What is Love? Look to Christ!

What is love? This simple phrase only a select few can answer and fewer exhibit. Pop songs over the years have sung of the answer to this question; however, even the greatest chart toppers prove inconclusive. Elder Marvin J. Ashton, a deceased modern day apostle once wrote, "True love is a process. True love requires personal action. Love must be continuing to be real." These qualities point only to two individuals, our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ: true exemplars of what love really means.

We as individuals need love in our lives. Love is vital to our self confidence, moral, and personal stamina. Love comes in many different forms, yet as Elder Ashton above states it; "true love is a process." Love doesn't just happen, love is built by kind words, thoughts, and most important: action. As we share our love with others our capacities to be loved increase. Love truly never ends: if you allow it. 1 John 4:18 (KJV) reads, There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear. 

Sometimes love is a firmness in stance or belief, to not let the world alter how we act or parent. As a child my mother would always make sure I minded my "P's and Q's." I being the absent minded seven year old would groan upon  hearing this statement (as all mothers are used to hearing). Yet mom never budged: I sometimes (alright most of the time), did chores and instruction begrudgingly: yet, I thank Mom for being firm in her parenting. It takes true stamina to not be the popular parent, but the one who loves her children enough to say, "no." One needs to stand for truth, righteousness, and morals: knowledge of this originates in the home.

The question arises: "what if I did not come from a loving background?" The more I go door to door preaching of Jesus Christ's restored gospel, I see this problems as a reoccurring commonality. The Savior's love remedies this atrocity. God is our loving Heavenly Father: He always reaches out to everyone with open arms. He recognizes our struggles and will provide an escape route even in the most unfathomable circumstances if we allow Him. He provided a savior: His son Jesus Christ to atone (or pay for), all the mistakes you, I, and the entire world will ever commit. He watched in agony as His only begotten son suffered in the garden of Gethsemane for all the pains and sins of the world. He and Jesus Christ know in entirety what we struggle with, both past and present. Despite what may have occurred, you can always give your heart back to God and let the power of Christ heal you.

True love exhibits itself only in emulating Jesus Christ. Think of your actions and dealings with others, ask yourself: "am I following the example of Jesus Christ in the way that I interact with people and myself?" A "yes" or "no" answer always suffices. When we follow the Son, we become more like the Father, our Father. I think of all that my Savior sacrificed for me: the young Mormon missionary preaching to the lambs of southern Illinois. You can let the light of Christ transform you. How will you serve God and your fellow brethren? These are questions everyone needs to ask in diligent prayer and follow the prompting received. I know as you do this, Christ's light will radiate from you and that others will come unto the truth by your loving action and adhering to God's word. True love is acting in the way of the Father.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Prayer: A Race of Faith.

As a runner in high school, the race was everything-the race meant everything! Time, course,and coaching. All of these segments led to the end result of the race. Sometimes that would not be enough, help was needed; it on course assistance would have been nice, but would lead to disqualification. Assistance came from individuals cheering and showing support on the sidelines. Could other things in life be compared to this? Of course! Prayer works the same way. Prayer will aid us in even our most difficult trials.

Some people ask, "how could simply praying solve my problems?" The real question should be, "how can praying help me solve my problems?" 1 Corinthians 10:13 states, ... God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. God most of the time will not simply solve our problems. He will if we allow, will give us the wisdom and strength to solve our challenges. Just think about the runner: no one can run with him on the course that he was conditioned to do, yet individuals give support from the sidelines. Our Heavenly Father is constantly at our race cheering us on.

Being a missionary requires an extra loud fan. Opposition always follows truth and light. Imagine going around for two years in the (as my mother phrased it), "rain, sleet, and shine;" knocking on doors and talking to strangers on the streets. I love the work of the Lord; though it exhausts even the best missionary at times. My experiences in both serving Nashvillians and Southern Illinoisans brought me closer to God. I realized even after a day of preaching in the pouring rain that prayer became necessity. My mission companion and I, (we go in twos, see 1 Corinthians 13:1), though sometimes completely soaked felt the warmth of the  Lord encompass us while walking down busy streets.

 You can feel God's love too! Prayer truly connects us to the Father. Some people are masters of prayer, while individuals such as I struggle to find words to address the Heavenly Father at times. The Lord wants us to call on him directly; our Father has given us this template to help us address Him.

How Do I Pray?
• Address your Heavenly
• Express the feelings of your
heart (gratitude, questions,
requests to confirm the truth of the Book of
Mormon and of what the
missionaries have taught).
• Close (“In the name of
Jesus Christ, amen”).

Knowing that I can directly speak to God the Father gives me much peace. If he could comfort a lowly nineteen year old missionary preaching on the streets of southern Illinois such as I. He can always be there for you. Remember the race: God is your number one fan! What will you do in honor of all of His love? Pray this week to know that your father is there, and he will tell you.

Monday, September 9, 2013

What's different about a Mormon?

Piecing together puzzles during a cold day, one of my favorite activities as a child. I reflected on my memories of putting together Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and realized on other levels the puzzle signifies more than just a pass time. The puzzle to me stands for knowledge: we piece by piece continually add on to what we already know.

People all the time desire to add more pieces to their knowledge of our Heavenly Father. Some peoples' puzzles are more complete than others; some content, while others feel "stuck." With my explorative personality I hate being "stuck." "Stuck" people and curious folk look for an outlet of continued knowledge, they do as Matthew 7:7 (KJV) directs Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.This outlet can come in the form of inspired friends, family, and even those Mormon missionaries☺. 

The message our friends, family, and Mormon missionaries share is neither new, nor foreign. What we share simply adds additional pieces of truth to further complete our puzzle. How cool is that? A lot of people conceptualize Mormonism  as a distanced concept and religion. Mormonism with it's message actually brings us closer to our Lord and Savior, with continued knowledge and revelation. Who wouldn't want this?

In the case of meeting and speaking with missionaries many people wonder; "does this mean I have to change all of my views of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?" The answer remains constant: No. There are precious truths in all denominations. What would you think if you could find all of the precious truths found in a cornucopia of sects and congregations in one place? The amazing thing about the gospel of Jesus Christ is that  people find many of the topics and principles foreknowledge. We as missionaries often hear from newcomers in the congregation: "I knew that;' 'this makes sense;''I finally had my questions answered.'"

The Savior's message and grace has the power to transform all mankind that listen. By finding out more, or continually adding pieces to our puzzle: we will know that we are sons and daughters of the one and only God--true royalty. What would you do if you found out that you were of royal parents? Too late, now you know ☺. May we always keep God in our lives and in our hearts, continually learning from him, adding additional pieces to our puzzle.   

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The gospel has been restored. Pass it on!

In making this blog for you I send out requests for article topics each week. I received a question asking,  how we can share the word of the Lord with our friends, family, and co-workers. Before I go into answering this question. I have a question for everyone. Why is it so important for us to share the word of God with our friends, family, and co-workers?

The Atoning sacrifice that Jesus Christ endured, suffering for our sins by bleeding from every pore and dying on the cross for us edifices itself of His endless love for us. Christ's sacrifice should be paramount above all other things we exhibit gratitude for. Jesus paid a price that no one else could pay with his own life. Mormons indeed know we are saved by the grace of God. Brad Wilcox, a Brigham Young University associate professor in the Department of Teacher education in the David O. McKay School of Education in a devotional address on 12 July 2011 asks a question complementary to the concept of being saved by God's grace. Wilcox asks, "How have you been changed by grace?" (His Grace is Sufficient [Brigham Young University Devotionals] 2011)

Before someone can be changed by grace they first have to know it. If we know of the message that can change lives why wouldn't we want to let our friends, family, and co-workers know? If we shared of God's grace with everyone  so many hardships in the world could be prevented. What we share does not need to be elaborate nor eloquent; the gospel of Jesus Christ is simple, yet beautiful. Our message that we share with could be as simple as these three power statements; "'I know that I am a Child of God; 'I know that my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me;' or 'I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ in its entirety has been restored and that there is a prophet of God today.'" Think of what sharing one of these simple statements could do.

We know the power of our message; how do we share it? Part of sharing our unique message is by LIVING it. The old time saying that my mother used to tell me constantly; "son, actions speak louder than words," rings a bell in my mind. Turns out what she said was true; (go figure, right). By being a testament of the truth you will stand out as a diamond among the coal. Incorporating the gospel of Jesus Christ into conversation can be as simple as talking about what you did in Church over the weekend or about what your son/ daughter did with their youth group. The initial comment will strike interest into your loved ones hearts and they will ask you questions about Jesus Christ's gospel: giving you the opportunity to share of the grace that transforms us.

Everything ties back to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By sharing how His grace has transformed us will bring others to wonder and the chance to share of our unique message about a full knowledge of Christ. How will you this week help someone to be transformed by Christ's grace? I promise you this week in coming closer to God that he will provide a person in need of your love and kind words or He will help transform you on your journey.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What is a Mormon?

In being asked to write a blog all about missionary work I decided to answer probably the biggest question in society today, "What is a Mormon?"

Mormonism receives more and more attention from the media each year; some of it goes in depth as to what we as Mormons believe and some simply sensationalizes. So many people make mention to what television features Mormons as; the world is always watching.

So what exactly do Mormons believe? One would be surprised to find out that we share much common ground with our other Christian brethren. We know that God, our Heavenly Father, loves us and that His Son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for each and every person who has lived on the earth or who will live on the earth . We as Mormons believe that God is still directly reaching out to us with more scripture and modern-day prophecy that comes with the priesthood authority to do so. What Christian wouldn't want to constantly hear from God the Father?  You would be hard pressed to find anyone who would answer nay.

Part of that continued revelation from our Heavenly Father comes through scripture. As Mormons we have thirteen points (or as they are called Articles), of faith. One of these articles goes on to say: "We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God" (Articles of Faith 1:8). When people ask us if we believe in the Bible of course we say YES! We know however that God has more children than just the people in the area where the Bible was written. John 10:16 says "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." The Book of Mormon is simply a fulfillment to what John is referring to, people in other lands who needed to hear the teachings of our Savior.

Our job as missionaries is to spread the glad tidings of God's continual love, the true gathering of the lambs. Jesus Christ cared enough to leave the ninety and nine to find the One; he cares about you. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior, and as we turn to Him that all of the regrets and sorrows in our lives will be made right again. The question that remains; "How can I turn to Christ?" Get on your knees in prayer tonight and receive an answer; our Father is simply a prayer away.